MACC’s Mark Meyer Named to World Bank ICSID Panel

Mark A. Meyer, National Chairman of the Moldovan-American Chamber of Commerce, was designated by the Republic of Moldova to the Panel of Arbitrators of the International Center for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) for a six year term ending October 13, 2017. ICSID is an autonomous international institution that is part of the World Bank and established under the Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of Other States. There are currently 157 signatory States to the ICSID Convention. ICSID is the leading international arbitration institution devoted to investor-State dispute settlement. ICSID has an Administrative Council that is chaired by the World Bank’s President, and it provides facilities for the conciliation and arbitration of investment disputes between member countries and individual investors. The Panel of Arbitrators and the Panel of Conciliators are composed of individuals appointed by ICSID Member States and by the Chairman of the ICSID Administrative Council.

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